Supertonic School of Music

Be A Part Of The Next

Supertonic Guitar - Summer Gig

6pm August 5, 2023

In January 2016 we held our first ever student concert and it was a blast! The theater was so packed we had to keep finding new places to put people. Everyone who played had rapid progress in their guitar playing. It was awesome to watch all their hard work pay off with excellent performances. Every year since the seats are packed. It is full of fun and life changing experiences. 

In February 2020 (our last live event before lockdowns) we sold out a 200+ person venue typically reserved for touring artists. 24 performers with a full band. A highlight of the year for all of us.

Watch The Video Before Reading Any Further

Why You Need To Perform And Sign Up Now

  • Experience the sheer excitement of performing on a stage, conquering your fears, and hearing the applause of your new fans. Literally!
  • See your skill levels grow massively as you prepare for the event and watch yourself become a much more focused and confident guitarist who can actually play real music in front of a real audience
  • Build your credibility as a guitar player and increase your opportunities of playing with other great musicians as well as at the next student concert
  • Inspire others and be inspired by other students’ performances
  • Learn what to do and what not to do when performing and strengthen your live performance skills. Be confident in the fact that you will be learning from someone with lots of performing experience and not just figuring it out as they go like 99% of musicians out there. My job is to make you sound awesome on stage so I will be with you every step of the way helping you prepare.

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do.

Henry Ford

DO NOT let fear hold you back!

Live music Brentwood

This concert is all about having fun and growing as musicians. Everyone who performs will feel fear even if they don’t admit it. Those who perform in spite of fear will conquer that fear, grow in their skills, and develop confidence as a player. Those who do not perform will see others performing and wish they were the ones on stage performing. Even if you do not want to be a performer, this is a great opportunity to become a much better guitar player. You will find a whole new level of focus in your guitar playing and practice you didn’t even know you had. Ask anyone who did play at the events. They will tell you it was exciting, a little terrifying, super motivating, and totally worth it!

Performing is like an athlete training for the big game and actually being in the starting lineup. Athletes don’t train to sit in the stands.

How To Play At The Summer Gig

Fill out the student concert application below and we will determine if you have met the criteria for performing. 

Criteria For Performing Includes...

  1. Quality practice habits and effort in your guitar playing
  2. A positive attitude who works well with others
  3. Totally committed to playing in the concert and attending the rehearsals in July & August.

Gig Details

  • Every song will be done live with a band. This may include: drums, bass, vocals, and guitars. You will get experience of what it’s like to play with a group which will be even more fun and less stressful than playing solo.
  • Students will be assigned to play bass and guitar. If you’re interested in singing let me know in the form below. 
  • Parts will be assigned to students to play; rhythm guitar, lead guitar(solos), or bass. This will be based off of skill level and dedication as a student.
  • Once you have committed to playing we will hold you accountable to fulfilling your role in the performances. Please, please do not sign up without really committing. It is not fair to your fellow performers/bandmates who are taking their part very seriously and working hard to have a great performance. Everyone wants to enjoy themselves and put on a great show for their family, friends, and for themselves. Together we will make that happen.
  • All performers will use the same equipment on stage. This will save a lot of work and time in the performance and make the sound much better in the end.
  • The concert will be on Saturday August 5, 2023 at Elroy Coffee.
  • If you are chosen to be a part of the concert you will automatically be charged $100 for 5 tickets to the event. Tickets are $20 each and you can give or sell them to friends and/or family. Let me know if you want additional tickets. There will be no additional fee for performing. Gold(3x a week) and Platinum(4x a week) students get their 5 tickets for free. Additional tickets for Gold+ members will be $20 each.
  • Rehearsals will be on July 29 @ 11am & August 4 @ 6pm. A final soundcheck rehearsal will be before the concert August 5 1hr before the gig.
  • This is an all ages show, so no alcohol will be permitted.

In my opinion, the only way to conquer stage fright is to get up on stage and play. Every time you play another show, it gets better and better.

Taylor Swift
Live music Franklin



To register all you have to do is fill out the form below. This will also be an authorization to charge your account for the $100 tickets fee(non-refundable) for the concert if you get chosen to play. Students in the GOLD(3x a week), PLATINUM(4x a week), or DIAMOND(5x a week) programs DO NOT have to pay the ticket fee(it is included in those programs). Each student performing will get 5 tickets to give or sell to family and friends to come to the Student Concert.
Additional tickets will be available at $20 each and will be available for purchase online. We will all work together to make this an amazing experience. It will be your responsibility to get people in the seats. The student who sells the most tickets will win a prize. 🙂
BONUS! There will be repertoire and performance classes In June & July(local only) as well as bonus performance practice rehearsals and as we get closer to the event. These are to help you prepare and make your performance the best it can be. They are required to attend and make a huge difference in your confidence when performing live.

Don’t let fear stop you from being your best, sign up today!

Fill out my online form.

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt
Live music Nashville